- Castelli Gattinara P. & Pirro A.L.P. (forthcoming) Movement Parties of the Far Right: Understanding Nativist Mobilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Pirro A.L.P. (2015) The Populist Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe: Ideology, Impact, and Electoral Performance. London: Routledge
Edited volumes, special issues, symposiums
- Fagan A., Kopecký P., Buštíková L. & Pirro A.L.P. (eds.)(2020) 1989 at 30 Years. Anniversary Symposium of East European Politics, vol. 36 no. 3 (80 pp.)
- Castelli Gattinara P. & Pirro A.L.P. (eds.)(2019) The Far Right as Social Movement. Special Issue of European Societies, vol. 21 no. 4 (182 pp.)
- Pirro A.L.P., Taggart P. & van Kessel S. (eds.)(2018) The Populist Politics of Euroscepticism in Times of Crisis. Special Issue of Politics, vol. 38 no. 3 (138 pp.)
- della Porta D., Caruso L. & Pirro A.L.P. (eds.)(2017) Anti-Corruption Movements. Special Issue of PACO – Partecipazione & Conflitto, vol. 10 no. 3 (213 pp.)
Journal articles
- Lavizzari A. & Pirro A.L.P. (2024) The gender politics of populist parties in Southern Europe. West European Politics, 47(7): 1473–1502
- Rooduijn M., Pirro A.L.P., Halikiopoulou D., Froio C., van Kessel S., de Lange S., Mudde C. & Taggart P. (2024) The PopuList: A database of populist, far-left, and far-right parties using Expert-informed Qualitative Comparative Classification (EiQCC). British Journal of Political Science, 54(3): 969–978
- Pirro A.L.P. & Taggart P. (2023) Populists in power and conspiracy theories. Party Politics, 29(3): 413–423
- Pirro A.L.P. (2023) Far right: The significance of an umbrella concept. Nations and Nationalism, 29(1): 101–112
- Pirro A.L.P. (2022) Performing (during) the Coronavirus crisis: The Italian populist radical right between national opposition and subnational government. Government and Opposition, DOI: 10.1017/gov.2022.28
- Castelli Gattinara P., Froio C. & Pirro A.L.P. (2022) Far-right protest mobilisation in Europe: Grievances, opportunities, and resources. European Journal of Political Research, 61(4): 1019–1041
- Pirro A.L.P. & Stanley B. (2022) Forging, bending, and breaking: Enacting the ‘illiberal playbook’ in Hungary and Poland. Perspectives on Politics, 20(1): 86–101
- Taggart P. & Pirro A.L.P. (2021) European populism before the pandemic: Ideology, Euroscepticism, electoral performance, and government participation of 63 parties in 30 countries. Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, 51(3): 281–304
- Klein O. & Pirro A.L.P. (2021) Reverting trajectories? UKIP’s organisational and discursive change after the Brexit referendum. Information, Communication & Society, 24(10): 1382–1400
- Pirro A.L.P. & Portos M. (2021) Populism between voting and non-electoral participation. West European Politics, 44(3): 558–584
- Pirro A.L.P. & della Porta D. (2021) On corruption and state capture: The struggle of anti-corruption activism in Hungary. Europe-Asia Studies, 73(3): 433–450
- Pirro A.L.P., Pavan E., Fagan A. & Gazsi D. (2021) Close ever, distant never? Integrating protest event and social network approaches into the transformation of the Hungarian far right. Party Politics, 27(1): 22–34
- Pirro A.L.P. (2019) Ballots and barricades enhanced: Far-right ‘movement parties’ and movement-electoral interactions. Nations and Nationalism, 25(3): 782–802
- Castelli Gattinara P. & Pirro A.L.P. (2019) The far right as social movement. European Societies, 21(4): 447–462
- Pirro A.L.P. & Róna D. (2019) Far-right activism in Hungary: Youth participation in Jobbik and its network. European Societies, 21(4): 603–626
- Pirro A.L.P. & Castelli Gattinara P. (2018) Movement parties of the far right: The organization and strategies of nativist collective actors. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 23(3): 367–383
- Pirro A.L.P. (2018) The polyvalent populism of the 5 Star Movement. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 26(4): 443–458
- Pirro A.L.P. & Taggart P. (2018) The populist politics of Euroscepticism in times of crisis: A framework for analysis. Politics, 38(3): 253–262
- Pirro A.L.P. & van Kessel S. (2018) Populist Eurosceptic trajectories in Italy and the Netherlands during the European crises. Politics, 38(3): 327–343
- Pirro A.L.P., Taggart P. & van Kessel S. (2018) The populist politics of Euroscepticism in times of crisis: Comparative conclusions. Politics, 38(3): 378–390
- Pirro A.L.P. (2017) Screaming at a wall: Societal accountability from below in Bulgaria and Hungary. PACO – Partecipazione & Conflitto, 10(3): 773–796
- Pirro A.L.P. & van Kessel S. (2017) United in opposition? The populist radical right’s EU-pessimism in times of crisis. Journal of European Integration, 39(4): 405–420
- Pirro A.L.P. (2017) Hardly ever relevant? An appraisal of nativist economics through the Hungarian case. Acta Politica, 52(3): 339–360
- Pirro A.L.P. (2014) Populist radical right parties in Central and Eastern Europe: The different context and issues of the prophets of the patria. Government and Opposition, 49(4): 599–628
- Pirro A.L.P. (2014) Digging into the breeding ground: Insights into the electoral performance of populist radical right parties in Central and Eastern Europe. East European Politics, 30(2): 246–270
- van Kessel S. & Pirro A.L.P. (2014) Discontent on the move: Prospects for populist radical right parties in the 2014 European Parliament elections. Intereconomics, 49(1): 14–18
Book chapters
- Pirro A.L.P. (2019) Lo and behold: Jobbik and the crafting of a new Hungarian far right, in M. Caiani & O. Císar (eds.) Radical Right Movement Parties in Europe. London: Routledge, pp. 151–167
- Milan C. & Pirro A.L.P. (2018) Interwoven destinies in the ‘long migration summer’: Solidarity movements along the Western Balkan route, in D. della Porta (ed.) Solidarity Mobilizations in the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Contentious Moves. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 125–153
- Pirro A.L.P. (2015) The populist radical right in the political process: Assessing party impact in Central and Eastern Europe, in M. Minkenberg (ed.) Transforming the Transformation? The East European Radical Right in the Political Process. London: Routledge, pp. 80–104
- Pirro A.L.P. (2014) Bulgaria, Slovacchia, Ungheria: Populismo soft e astensionismo, in M. Valbruzzi & R. Vignati (eds.) L’Italia e l’Europa al Bivio delle Riforme: Le Elezioni Europee e Amministrative del 25 Maggio 2014. Bologna: Istituto Cattaneo, pp. 325–333
Book reviews
- Pirro A.L.P. (2018) Book Review: Hanspeter Kriesi and Takis Pappas (eds), European Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession. Political Studies Review, 16(1): 69–70
- Rooduijn M., Pirro A.L.P., Halikiopoulou D., Froio C., van Kessel S., de Lange S.L., Mudde C. & Taggart P. (2023) The PopuList 3.0: An Overview of Populist, Far-Left, and Far-Right Parties in Europe. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/2EWKQ
- Rooduijn M., van Kessel S., Froio C., Pirro A.L.P., de Lange S., Halikiopoulou D., Lewis P., Mudde C. & Taggart P. (2019) The PopuList: An Overview of Populist, Far Right, Far Left and Eurosceptic Parties in Europe.